FAQ - Frequently asked questions and their solutions

Below are some common problems and solutions. If the following methods do not solve your problem, please contact your dealer.

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Control display does not respond – attempt to switch on without result

Possible Cause

  1. battery empty
  2. Battery is not properly seated in the battery tray
  3. Connection cable of the control display/control unit not connected or
  4. Control display
  5. Battery (circuit) defective

Solution approach

  1. Fully charge the battery
  2. Return the battery slide to its original position and replace the two
    Tighten the fastening screws
  3. Check the plug connection of the display control on the handlebar
  4. Replacing the control display
  5. Replacing the e-bike battery

E-bike and control display fail after a short ride or maximum motor support is not reached

Possible Cause

  1. E-bike battery is almost empty
  2. Plug contacts of the battery slide not connected
  3. Battery protection and charging control defective
  4. Defect in display control or engine control unit as well as engine damage

Solution approach

  1. Fully charge the battery
  2. Check position of battery tray*
  3. Replacing the e-bike battery*
  4. Replacement of the respective component*

Despite correct operation, the engine does not run

Possible Cause

  1. Circuit breaker in brake lever defective
  2. Disconnected engine cable connector
  3. Battery cable disconnected

Solution approach

  1. Check cable contacts or replace the brake lever including
  2. Check the plug connections*
  3. Check battery cable*

Low range even though battery is fully charged

Possible Cause

  1. Greater demands due to changing load, gradient, headwind
  2. Battery too old
  3. Defective battery
  4. Storage or use at too cold ambient temperatures (below 5°C)
  5. Brake system drags
  6. Insufficient lubrication of one of the moving components

Solution approach

  1. Increase your own pedaling effort
  2. Replace battery*
  3. Replace battery*
  4. Store the battery at more than 7 degrees and less than 25 degrees before driving
  5. Adjust brake*
  6. Check bearings, regrease if necessary*

Battery does not charge

Possible Cause

  1. Plug connections loose
  2. Defective battery
  3. Charger defective

Solution approach

  1. Check plug contacts
  2. Replace battery*
  3. Replace charger

Front light not working

Possible Cause

  1. Errors in operation
  2. Cable connection defective
  3. Plug disconnected
  4. LED defective
  5. Battery empty

Solution approach

  1. Read "Control display"
  2. Replace cable*
  3. Check plug connections
  4. Replace front light*
  5. Fully charge the battery

Unusual noise

Possible Cause

  1. Chain needs to be regreased
  2. Gear shift needs to be adjusted
  3. Chain is too tight
  4. Crank has come loose
  5. Steering head bearing has too much play

Solution approach

  1. Re-grease the chain
  2. Readjust gear shift*
  3. Re-tension chain*
  4. Retighten crank arms*
  5. Retighten steering head bearing

Braking effect decreases, brake has no effect

Possible Cause

  1. Wear of the brake pads
  2. Brake incorrectly adjusted
  3. Brakes become too hot under continuous load (e.g. due to long downhill rides)

Solution approach

  1. Replacing the brake pads*
  2. Re-adjusting the brake system*
  3. Use brake alternately

Unsteady behavior of the chain in the first or last gear of the gearshift / gears do not shift cleanly

Possible Cause

  1. The gear shift is adjusted
  2. Parts of the gearshift are defective
  3. Gear shift, chain, shift arm are very dirty or not sufficiently lubricated

Solution approach

  1. Adjust the gear shift*
  2. Replacement of defective components*
  3. Cleaning and regreasing the respective components

* Please do not try these marked solutions yourself. Please contact
a suitable technician